Thursday, July 19, 2012

Etude House: Good-bye Dark Circle Eye Patch Review

Mom was right when she said the following:

  • Sleep early

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Don't rub your eyes

Maybe if I've strictly followed her, then dark circles would have been the least of my problems.

*Sigh* Too late for it now.

One day, while I was at Etude House finding what else I could buy (yep, for their monthly giveaways on specific amount of purchase), I saw this. Will this help aid my woes?

This like a patch that fits snugly under your eyes. The product claims that:

Formulated with slim tea complex and broccoli, hydro-gel eye patch supplies care to worrisome dark circles and bags for youthful looking eyes.

I got this for only P78 ($1.87) a pack. Note that this for one time use only. It's a translucent gel patch.

Each patch is somewhat slimy because of the essence of the product. You'll notice it once you remove the plastic tray from the pouch.

Actually, one side is slimier than the other. You place the slimier portion on your skin. It has this weird scent - reminds me of the Super Elastic Bubble Plastic Balloons I used to play when I was younger. Those quite sensitive with the chemical smell may opt to skip this.

What I like about this:

  • Cold/cool to put on skin (during tthe entire duration on skin)

  • Moisturizes well

  • No allergic effects (no sting, no painful blah on eyes)

  • Relaxing to eyes (maybe because it is cool)

  • Can work with it on, but keyboard and monitor, or anything you look at should be at exactly eye level and avoid glancing below (ruins the position of gel), but best to sit/lay still and do absolutely nothing.

  • Removes the pufiness by 50-60%, and dark circles by 10-30% the instant you remove it off your eyes (Percentages are subjective, i think it is more than what i gave, but these values are a conservative estimate. so as you don't expect too much and get all upset if you didn't get the desired results. It may vary upon the degree of puffiness and darkness of the circles. I'm less on the puffy but more on the circles.)

What I don't like:

  • A bit itchy, the annoying kind, on non-under eye skin (especially on the side of the eyes), at the first 5mins or so

  • Might need to cleanse some parts of face if not used to it

  • Effects are only visible for a short period of time (last a day or so if slept with it)

  • May need to consistently use the eye patch to see effects, may not be worth your money

  • One time used only

  • Hard to get it all on the exact contour of the eye

  • That darn chemical smell scares me

With that, it might be ok for splurging on this but if you just want the cold feeling on your eyes, put your eyecream in the refrigerator, or opt for the gel-like consistency to be placed on eyes.

I used to sleep with it overnight (twice a week for a month), but I would find the patch to be beside me already when I wake up. It leaves my eye with a noticeable difference from last night's circles and puffiness. It kind of deflates after prolonged used.  Actually, the product only instructs you to have it on for 10-15 minutes. There is a huge difference with wearing it on the product's suggested wear time versus an hour or more. Effects are more prominent on prolonged use.

Will I repurchase after my experiment? I don't see myself coming back for it. The chemical scent scares me. And effects are just temporary.

This may be good for instant fixes (like you have a very very important thing to attend and you pulled an all nighter or something), but don't drop the concealer just yet! Make sure you have it on for more than an hour or so for a nice effect.

If you plan to include this in your regimen, you might want to do it the suggested way (10-15min) rather than the hour. I did the hour since I don't intend to use this in a long run. The scent is really frigthening.

Have you tried this? What do you think?

For those interested in the ingredients,click here!

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