Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tony Moly: Perfect Micro Scrub Foam Review

Hi everyone! Sorry for being out for so long. Work has been its unusual hectic self so I barely had the time to post something. It's been all about OTYs and my boss being all weird, so we had no choice but to stand up for ourselves. It was so busy that sleep had been subsidized. But hey, it's again the calm before the storm, so better make the most of out it.

This review is a long delayed one. It should have followed right after the Floria Flower Energy Foam Cleanser Review, but hey, my current job puts pays my bills so it triumphed over my hobby. 

I was on a scout for a good facial scrub that will match my skin. And before, Latte Art Cappuccino Cream-In Scrub was too darn expensive for a trial in Tony Moly's skin care line. So the SA gave me this since it was the next scrub available. And it was positioned beside the Floria Foam Cleanser. Why not take it? Afterall, this is just an experiment... On my face. 
Please be nice to me!

Below is Tony Moly's claim about this product:

FRONT: Foam cleanser that removes makeup, keratin, and waste residues while protecting the skin's moisture and improving skin elasticity

BACK: Multi-foam cleanser containing the micro-sized scrub
Foam cleanser that removes makeup, keratin, and waste residues while protecting the skin's moisture and improving skin elasticity. Various-sized micro beads exfoliate the skin removing residue in the pores turning dry coarse skin smooth to the touch preventing breakouts. The rich bubbles remove light makeup without irritating the skin leaving the face dewy and plump with its botanic extracts,

Well, that's a lot for claim right there. For one, it never promised whitening so, don't expect anything whitening-related. You won't get any, trust me. 

The tube contains 200mL worth of scrub for P495 ($11.71, approximately). This isn't bard, considering the amount you get is a lot versus what you're paying for. Also, a small amount of this foam goes a long way. But for better deals, get it straight in Korea thru a friend or a relative who lives there. 
IMG_0092The scrub is encased in a white to green tube, with its opening being green. Nothing fancy in the packaging - it's very straightforward as compared to most Korean items. 
IMG_0096The foam is milky-white in color. After dispensing, you won't really notice the beads. But what you will notice is the smell. It smells like Ylang-ylang. But this isn't found in the list of ingredients. Could it be the Prunus Serrulata (Japanese Cherry)? Because it smells so good! My better half even asked me what was that item that smelled so good. But for those with sensitive noses, they might dislike it. 
IMG_0099Here it is lathered a bit. You will notice small crystal beads. That's the micro beads they're talking about. It kind of reminds me of sugar crystals, but a tad bigger. I don't find them abrasive since it dissolves quite fast after massaging it on your face. Also, the amount of beads per output in the tube is really small, nearly to none. There were times I used this with almost no beads. 

Do note that a little drop goes a long way. It did remove some dirt, as it should, off my face. But don't expect it will clean your face from your well prep, heavy, waterproof makeup! It still needs some good 'ol makeup remover. For light makeup (for events like you need to buy something off the store), it can do its work. 

After washing, I have this squeaky clean feel - but only a little, so good for those who don't want their faces stripped off from moisture. For those who love the squeaky clean feel, they would be all "meh." about it. 

And because of the overtimes I've spent in the last few months, I've collected a number of acne. The scrub didn't contribute more acne, but it is not effective in lessening it. If it did lessen, maybe perhaps a little prevention? But not noteworthy. One thing's for sure, it did perform in this department better than the Floria foam. 

Overall, I find this an ok facial foam cleanser. The scent is heavenly and relaxing, and you get more bang for your buck. It gives a decent clean, and slightly a squeaky clean feel. but for it to gain its status as my HG (Holy Grail) scrub, it needs to do more of the following:
  • More beads per area! Unless they want to drop the "scrub" from their name altogether
  • Power to clean your face from makeup
  • Effective in preventing breakouts
  • Add whitening and other benefits!

I may purchase it again, but not soon. I was able to convince myself to purchase the Latte Art Cappuccino Cream-In Scrub that I so want to try. 

Come on, Perfect Micro Scrub Foam! Finish up already. It seems that you have so much left in my tube and it doesn't run out!

How about you? Do you want to try it out?

For those are interested with the ingredients, click here! But those who want to view it less the analysis, check it out below.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm I might try this one :) My Lemon Cleanser is almost out :p
