Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Skinfood: Rose Cheek Choc #2 Rose Peach Review

When I started my adventure in the Make-up World, one of the first few brands I tried was Skinfood. And the second purchase I made from them was their Rose Cheek Choc #2 Rose Peach. And it's all thanks to their wonderful SA.

According to the SA, this is one of their best sellers. True enough, this one doesn't go on sale. She also recommended me to purchase the #2 since it matches my skin color. #1 is only good for those fair skinned girls whereas the #3 goes better with tanned skinned girls. What sold me was their packaging. My initial thought was I can use this glass-like pot to house other items once I'd done with it. Skinfood has good packaging.

I bought this from the mall for around P595 ($14.22). As usual, they increased the price (almost x2!), so you're better of buying from a reputable online seller. Or if you have any friend or relative in S.Korea, then good for you.

This little pot comes with a small foam puff as its applicator. Those with particular with product touching the tool all the time might get a double take with this product.

The puff can be useful, but I'd rather use my finger instead since it gives a better effect over the puff.

As you can see, the blush is somewhat peach (as the name suggested), and it does have shimmer. Oh, and I love sniffing this blush! Just like any Skinfood product, it comes with a subtle scent. This one smells like rosehip oil, but not overpowering.

See? It sparkles a little. It's easy to apply and blend, given its texture. It gives  this I've-been-out-under-the-sun-look when applied properly. Too much of it will make you look like someone slapped you on the face with shimmer. Another plus for this product is that it didn't give me any sort of irritation. But it only lasts for 3-4 hours on a nice humid day. Heck, it's always humid here!

I'll definitely buy this one again, when I finish this pot. But it will most likely expire first.

Right now, I have my eyes on the #3 Rose Orange. I'm just controlling myself from purchasing it.

Thoughts? Please share below. :)

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