Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Haru's Random Thoughts: Missed Posting!

Hey Everyone!

It's been crazily busy with the sudden turn of events. So busy that I cannot even construct a decent review. And I am very well aware of my backlogs. Which is tons! 

Work had been really crazy since the start of this year, and for the past month, I've been working on 10-12 hours a day. Boo, no overtime pay. 

Then again, I'm also preoccupied with tons of non-work related stuff, which I can easily summarize in the following photos (all thanks to my iPhone. I don't have to bring that heavy camera around):

My first time to try Sake

Yummy Sashimi!

Zaru Soba, I shall never get tired of you. 

Mochi Goodness!

Say hello to weight gain! Been eating this takoyaki since I was in gradeschool.

Meet the place where I buy my favorite kimchi. Closed on Sundays.


I'm all over the place in Guild Wars 2. I'm currently at my 82% in the Map Completion. Finally!

Yeah, the last 2 pictures are from Guild Wars 2. It's my stress reliever, especially when I go to the Borderlands... Well, aside from the Otome Games I installed in my iPhone. Hehehe. Before, I never understand why people are so into it - especially Japanese girls. Now, I do. And I'm quite good at it, for a first timer. Hahaha!

As if my little 3-year-old bundle of energy, maintaining blogs, and writing stories with my friends are not enough. As of this writing, the little one is showing me some "magic" tricks, making me tie his pillows, and driving his grandpa nuts all in one movement. His contribution when I'm playing would be pressing the spacebar to jump and the "F" button to interact with objects. But, I have to remind him all the time to be gentle with my keyboard.

I'm expecting to be burning out soon. I actually did, a few weeks ago. I realized that I'm too busy and stressed out to even be creative. Well, maybe except to some fics here and there. Guess, I can never be apart from that.

BUT!!!  I am actually trying stuff and buying stuff when I'm not posting. I would want to share them now, unfortunately, I left the photos and the full description in my other computer.

Do watch out for them - reviews of the stuff I've been trying out (make-up, food, places, etc). So excited to show you! Yet so little time and brain power to come up with decent reviews with the ~omph! I used to give. 

We've (my friends and I) talked also about changing the layout. And yet, I still haven't got the liberty to check her suggestions. Frankly, I dislike the current setup (as of NOW), but this is somewhat decent. Also, I'm also pondering if I should merge this with my wordpress blog, as originally planned. I just don't get how I get traffic in that blog, considering this one gets more posts. 

That's just me thinking out loud. Nothing to see. Carry on. 

For now, let me take my rest. I have to be early tomorrow!

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